Saat Network
As a Swiss-American Scrum Trainer, my goal not just to teach Agile values and practices,
but to live the values and share the passion that make Scrum special!
"In the 21st Century, there will be two kinds of company. Those who delight their customers, and those who do not. The former will prosper and grow, the later will wither and die." --Steve Denning, author of The Leaders Guide to Radical Management
Saat, n., German for seed, which is the basis for growth.
Saat Network is a Stoosian company dedicated to helping you learn and apply the values, principles and practices that will enable you to thrive in the 21st century: Check out...
- Saat Network's free workshops on Making the Organization Agile and
- our Certified Scrum Trainings!
- echobravo, our solution for Hotels and Restaurants to master the Social Media Challenge
- eebee, our system to make feedback easy for your conference, meetup, webinar or customer event.
Saat Network subscribes to the Scrum Alliance Code of Ethics. If you think our actions (or that of our marketing partners) was not in compliance with those standards, please let us know.