Agility Assessments
Fast, lightweight assessments to guide and evaluate your change process.
For organizations that feel stuck
Where will agility help your organization? Where is your agile transformation stuck and in need of new focus and energy? Assess your company or business unit to identify improvement potential, guide the change process, and evaluate the success of the process.
Talent Retention
Improve your ability to retain and attract talent. Identify where the root causes of disengagement are present. Get actionable guidance.
Agility Boot/Reboot
A fast, lightweight all-hands assessment for a company or business to guide and evaluate the change process.
Agility and EBIT
Focus your Agile Transformation efforts on improving EBIT quickly. Builds on the Agility Reboot Assessment and digs deeper to identify and quantify low-hanging fruit to measurably improve EBIT in the next quarter.