Has Scrum Supplanted XP…?
12-08-2008Certified Scrum Practitioner
13-08-2008This month we look at pushing the envelope with Scrum.
Scrum emphasizes communication and collocation. Offshoring is by defnition not collocated and communication is limited by distance, language and cultural barriers. Some say Scrum and Offshoring don’t mix. Others say Scrum is the best way to do offshoring.
Fredi Schmidli, Country Manager Switzerland of swiss IT bridge, the software development company with development resources mostly in Vietnam, will present how the business works, what has been successful, where there could be improvement. Then we will discuss as a group how Scrum can be applied to the problem.
Location: namics zürich, konradstrasse 12/14, 8005 Zürich
Date: September 3, 2008,
Time: Doors open at 8.00, Talk starts at 8.35, Finish by 10.00
As usual, namics will offer the coffee and croissants.
The talk and discussion afterwards are in German.
Registration through Xing the Contact Page.
Live Webinar Broadcast
This event will be broadcast live as a webinar. If you can’t join us on site, join us on line. Webinar infrastructure thanks to the friendly support from swiss IT bridge.
Please register for the webinar on Xing.
I look forward to seeing you there!