Scrum Breakfast: Team Building and the Daily Scrum
04-02-2009Swiss Lean Agile Scrum Event: Call for Participation
13-02-2009Under the heading of Agile development meets not so agile operations.We are once again privileged to have a distinguished speaker from abroad:
Agile Methods in Crisis Management in IT Operations
Dana Stoll, ehmalige IT-Leiterin WEB.DE
In crisis situations as in rapidly changing markets, there is a conflict between the need to innovate and the need to standardize. This often produces permanent conflict between IT operations and development. As IT Manager, you success depends on the smooth integration of new products into your existing production environment. For sustainable success as well as effective responses to crisis situations, this conflict needs to be transformed into an effective cooperation. How do you create a balance between an agile and process driven approach?
The last Scrum Breakfast filled up quickly! Register online (also for the Webinar) at
The Scrum Breakfast will be held as always the first Wednesday in the month, with the friendly support of namics zürich & swissITbridge.