Beyond Scrum? Radical Management
01-02-2011Scrum Breakfast March: Tips for Working Virtually
01-02-2011Readers of this column know that Tom & Mary Poppendieck will return to Switzerland for a reprise of their successful Lean Leadership Course. Last year we had a mix C-level executives from medium to large companies and operational ScrumMasters, Project Leaders and Product Owners. A high point was the idyllic location and the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences at dinner (and afterwards)!
This year, I am pleased to announce the course will be held at the historic Karthause Ittingen. For participants who wish to spend the night, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Hotel Domicil. And we plan to invite everyone for dinner after the first night…
Check out the details for more information on Tom & Mary Poppendieck’s Lean Leadership Course… May 26 & 27 at the Karthause Ittingen.