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29-06-2008German Scrum Meeting
02-07-2008Carrot and Stick ( or “Zuckerbrot und Peitsche” ) is the title of my talk tomorrow at Reto Hartinger’s Internet Briefing Group on saving flagging projects.
My indoctrination to Scrum was through the trial by fire of taking a flailing project, getting it back on track, getting results quickly, getting the customer happy, and restoring trust between the customer and the supplier. That’s what project rescue is all about. (Actually, then we have set the stage for setting up the next project properly, so it doesn’t get adrift in the first place).
So I am going to talk about these things and the tools that worked for me and the project I was charged with.
The best part of Reto’s events is the information exchange after the formal presentation So it’s always an honor to speak to Reto’s group. It was the model for the Scrum Breakfast in Zürich…
You can download the presentation to my talk on project rescue and I look forward to some good questions and discussions tomorrow!