Introducing the Chief Agility Officer
The Agile Contract Manifesto
08-02-2022Invitation to an Interactive Discussion with Peter Stevens, Mirko Kleiner and Karsten Eskelund
Update: The Agile Contract Manifesto website is now live! You too can sign the manifesto.
Update: Fellow creator Karsten Eskelund will be joining our discussion as well!
Impediments that are defined in the contract are among the hardest to fix. What is the better way? Just as 20 years ago, leading software developers asked themselves what worked in Software Development. Today, I am honored to have participated in an international working group with Mirko Kleiner and 11 leading practitioners from both sides of the table. Our goal was to identify patterns and practices that work in the context of contracting for Agile collaboration.
Today we’d like to invite you to explore the results and what they could mean for you.

Manifesto for Agile Contracts
Agile approaches evolved to manage the risks of solving complex problems with high levels of uncertainty. This requires acceptance that contracts are incomplete and evolve over time.
We are uncovering better ways of aligning contracts with agile collaboration by doing it and helping others to do it. Through our work we have come to value… Read the full text on the agilecontractsmanifest.org website!
Join Mirko and myself as we explore the Agile Contracts Manifesto.
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Europe to Australia: 7:00am UK,/UTC, 8:00 CET, 12:30pm IST, 3pm Singapore, 6pm Melbourne, or
Americas to Asia: 16:00 UK/UTC, 8am Los Angeles, 11am New York, 17:00 CET, 19:30pm IST,
Duration: 90 minutes
Tentative Program:
- Peter, Mirko and Karsten present the Manifesto and the reasoning behind it.
- “Try it on for size” – share experiences and validate the values and principles against your real-life experience
- Evaluation: How well do the values and principles work for you?
To join, register below. You will receive a confirmation with the zoom link.