How much do you let a new team self organize?
15-09-2014On the road to high performance teams
24-09-2014Today, the organization team for the first Product Owner Camp in Switzerland, held its first telco. Here is what we decided:
- Our target date is March 2015, the alternative is June, 2015.
- The open space will be held on a Friday and Saturday.
- We want to hold a Product Owner Masterclass, one or two days before the Open Space event.
- The audience is experienced Product Owners, Agile Product Managers and Lean Startup Practitioners. This is by practitioners for practitioners, not for beginners.
- The event is not profit oriented.
- We are going to get together on skype roughly once every to two weeks to take the event forward.
We are thinking hotel in the mountains, we will start exploring possibilities once the constraints for the workshop are defined.
We have created a backlog to organize our work: Our first objective is the find a leader for the MasterClass, reserve some dates, and start working on the website. After that, priority will be the venue…
Several other people expressed an interest in helping to organize, we will welcome them as they confirm their participation :-)!
Are you interested in participating (or even helping out?) Join our google group to stay informed!