Scrum Framework, or how do you do Scrum?
30-06-2014XM Principle 7: Continuous Integration Development.
07-07-2014Following the fantastic Swiss Agile Coach Camp, I thought it would be cool to organize a similar event around of Product Ownership. I put out a tweet and got some good resonance (so much that it is now difficult to keep track of everyone who responded),
The Product Owner Camp in Switzerland #POCampCH will be a 2 day open space event. It is a non-profit community event and this will be reflected in the prices.
I expect it will be held during the first or second quarter of 2015, that it will be in some nice location in the mountains, or at least away from a city, and I expect there will be one or more some optional workshops on Product Ownership around the event.
With this call for participation, I am looking to confirm these expectations, find out who wants to come, who is willing to contribute, and get some guidance for key decisions about the venue and possible non-open space program (workshops or courses).
Are you interested in participating in or organizing the open space Product Owner Camp Switzerland? Sign up below!