Lessons in Lean (1)
02-03-2008New Course: Agile Project Management with Target Process
14-03-2008Two months ago, Marcello Leonardi presented his experiences as Scrum Master of the White Label Classifieds project. This month, Patrick Weiss, customer and Product Owner for the same project (and others), will tell his side of the story at the Scrum Breakfast in Zürich.
Patrick Weiss is the Leader of eSolutions at Publiconnect and is responsible for the conception and development of booking tools (e.g. MyPubliconnect) and While Label Classified Market Portals (e.g. nzzexecutive.ch, publicjobs.ch, osthome.ch). Previously he was responsible for Product Management in Marketing at the Publicitas HQ and responsible for Advertising for various publications, including Coop-Presse, Baslerstab, etc. Presently he is working on completing the Omnium Global Executive MBA from the HSG and Rotman School of Management of the University of Toronto. As Product Owner (or “Chief Pig”), he has logged 30 Sprints over 1 1/2 years, corresponding to a total project volume of around 5 Million Swiss Francs.
Patrick’s talk will focus on
- Introduction of Scrum in the WLC and MyP+ Projects
- Planing, developing and releasing of Publisherconnect v5.0
- Lessons learned
Date: 4 April 2008 (always the first Wednesday of the Month)
Time: Doors open at 8.00am, conclusion 10.00am.
The talk starts at 8.35 (so that you can come by train at 8.30 and still be on time).
Location: namics ag, Konradstrasse 12, CH-8005 Zürich
The talk will be held in German.
Attendance is free and our sponsor namics provides the coffee, gipfeli (croissants) and orange juice. To register, just send me a private message or better register on xing.
The Scrum Breakfast is monthly exchange of information around Scrum. The breakfast offers discussion, information and hands-on experience to CIO’s, executive and operational project managers. The program starts with a short presentation about on an in interesting topic around Scrum. Then follows a moderated discussion among the participants to encourage an exchange of know-how and experiences.
The Scrum Breakfast takes place the first Wednesday of each month. The doors open at 8am and the talk starts at 8.35 (so people coming by train can arrive at 8.30 and still catch the start of the talk). The presentations & discussion are usually in German.