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09-07-2008Google’d ergo Sum
09-07-2008The next two Scrum Breakfasts in Zürich will be dedicated to the theme, Scrum meets reality.
- Case 1: Scrum and Offshoring: Scrum emphasizes communication and collocation. Offshoring is by defniition not collocated and communication is limited by distance, language and cultural barriers. Fredi Schmidli of SwissIT Bridge, a software development company with development resources mostly in Vietnam will present how the business works, what has been successful, where there could be improvement. Then we will discuss as a group how Scrum can be applied to the problem.
September 3, 2008, 8.00 to 10.00 at namics. - Case 2: Scrum meets RUP: One company, one established process, one up and coming newcomer. How do we deal with the problem? Daniel Tobler of Zühlke (a company with long RUP tradition) will discuss how they position the two frameworks and where Scrum is gaining adoption and where not at Zühlke.
October 1, 2008, 8.00 to 10.00 at namics.
I will send out invitations as we get closer to the events.
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