WTO Bidding Process Considered Harmful
31-12-2009Scrum in 100 Words or Less
03-01-2010At first blush, it seems that Scrum is based on radical concepts: Self-organization, incremental delivery, and a clear distinction between what and how and equally clear definitions of who is responsible for what.
Why is this a better approach for developing software? It turns out, there are three key success factors to solving complex problems: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Too much focus on success can be counter-productive. This video from Dan Pink explains why (BTW – you can turn on German subtitles – well translated!):
I think this video also hints at one role of management in Scrum culture: creating an environment where people can be creative, problems can be solved and new ideas can bear fruit. Google’s 20% or Atlassian’s ‘Fedex Days’ don’t arise out of a Sprint Contract, they arise out a management with a vision of a company becoming more competitive through the creativity of their staff. How motivated and creative are your staff?
I have not seen ONE…not ONE scrum team more motivated. On the contrary, they seem to dread the dreary scrum meeting.
I'm sorry to hear that. Why are your Daily Scrums dreary?