Lean Agile Scrum Conference — Presentations online
19-06-2009Scrum Breakfast in Bern and Basel
10-08-2009Scrum in a Med Tech Environment, by Peter Rey
A common prejudice about agile software development is that agility is incompatible with demanding or highly regulated environments. bbv recently used Scrum to complete a project in which compliance with US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulatory requirements was mandatory. In this talk for project managers, developers, and ScrumMasters, Peter Rey, Lead Software Designer and Scrum Master at bbv will present his experiences from the trenches. What challenges did they face in this strict regulatory environment and how did they solve the problems as a Scrum Team? In particular, he will look at:
- Prerequisites for the project
- Mapping Requirements to the Product Backlog
- Tools
- Generating Documents for Regulatory Compliance
The talk will be held in English.
Peter Rey started his education with an apprenticeship as a toolmaker, then a degree in mechanical engineering (Dipl. Masch. Ing. HTL), 3 years working experience at a Boeing vendor in the U.S., executive master in business information technology (NDS-WI), software development for turbine blade manufacturing CAD/CAM and responsible for worldwide deployment & training at all Alstom Blade Manufacturing Plants.
Where: namics zurich, Konradstrasse 12, 8005
When: 2.September, 8.00 bis 10.00 bzw 11.00
Doors open: 8.00
Presentation and Discussion 8.35 to about 9.50
Networking und informelle Diskussion bis ca. 11.00
Info and Registration (auch für den Webinar): SwissICT.ch
Made possible through the generous support of namics (venue and breakfast) and swissITbridge (webinar).