Bring back the fun! Four tips for the Product Owner…
20-05-2014The Three Faces of Done
26-05-2014June 12: Free workshop on Agile beyond software
Followed by a Vernissage of new works by Tine Klein
The Agile Company is a community and monthly event for people who are looking for better ways of organizing their companies, better ways of creating create products, and better ways of delighting customers. If you’re into Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Lean Startup, Radical Management, Beyond Budgeting, Stoos or just finding your own better way, this is the place for you!
This month: Agile and Creativity: Is it Design vs. Development?
Roland Sailer is Partner at NOSE Design AG, and that’s not a software engineering company. They design abstract things like brands and real things like high-speed trains. Roland Sailer and his team have been applying Agile values and techniques for over 10 years, with fascinating effects on the results and the customer collaboration. Roland will share experiences from projects in various design disciplines, illustrating how they succeeded, why they failed, and what they want to address next.
Roland Sailer studied Product Design in Dresden at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (FH). During his studies he was active at various agencies. Even before graduating, he founded the company „Neustart“. Since 2000 has been active with NOSE. He is Head of Business Unit und Partner. He is also a Guest Instructor at various universities, including ZHDK, HTW Dresden and HSLU.
How to Become a Servant Leader — using the Agile Manifesto as a guide
Everyone talks about Servant Leadership. How can you start doing it? The short answer is by asking your people what they need to succeed! The Agile Manifesto provides a tool for evaluating the performance of your company, and identifying and prioritizing impulses to improve. Peter show you how lead your team through an exploration of Agile values and principles to create powerful ideas for improving your organization.

Vernissage – Tine Klein
Wer am Strom der Zeit sitzt
…hört das Herz der Kunst schlagen
This summer, we are honored that Tine Klein has agreed to enrichen our Training Room Zürich West with her work. Art should inspire and provoke a conversation:
Die Dinge die im Strom der Zeit an uns vorbeiziehen, gebannt auf Holz, Stein, Leinwand oder Bierdeckel. Eine Kunst die jeden von uns etwas angeweht, weil sie das nachfühlt, was alltäglich an uns vorbeiströmt.
Mit Leidenschaft werden tote Dinge lebendig, gebannt durch ein paar Striche mit Tusche, dem ältesten Kunstmaterial der Welt.
Doch modern und zeitgemäß wirken die Kunstwerke auf den unterschiedlichsten Materialien, gerade weil die Künstlerin Natürliches und Alltägliches kraftvoll neu zusammensetzt.
The things that pass us by in the stream of time, captured on wood, stone, canvas or coasters. An art that each of us is blowing something because they feel the effect of what daily flows past us. / With passion dead things come to life, captured by a few strokes with ink, the oldest arts material in the world. / But modern and contemporary works of art act on a variety of materials, precisely because the artist natural and commonplace reassembles powerful.
Who should attend?
This Agile Company Day Workshop is for managers and specialists at all levels who want to make their organizations more Agile, especially if you are not doing software!. Of course, if you’re looking to work more effectively with your software groups, this may be particularly helpful. Come as a group of 3 or 4 people and start to generate ideas for transforming your organization for the better!
- 13:30-16.30, including 30 minutes for Coffee and Registration, followed by an Apero til about 19.00
- 18:00 Vernissage with Tine Klein
- Location: Training Room “Zürich-West”, Hardturmstrasse 181, Ground Floor, left. 8005 Zürich
- There is no charge, but registration is required.
Coming Events
Watch this space for upcoming events!
Location / Directions
For directions see Training Room Zurich West.