The Three Faces of Done
26-05-2014What is Scrum?
09-06-2014As a “creative” i.e. a designer of things and ideas, not software, is it possible to come to great results that fulfils wishes, excites and comes to market quickly even under the atmosphere of big uncertainty that is characteristic for creative projects?
Learn, explore and find a better way with leaders!
Software development is a complex and creative process, which is often poorly understood by those asking for software products. Sound familiar? “Agile” “Scrum” and “Lean” values, principles and practices have enabled software developers to become more creative, more effective and have more fun at work. They have been the basis for everything from more efficient manufacturing processes to more effective organizational transformations.
Can they help creatives do the same? We think so! We are looking for a few pioneers to explore Scrum, Lean and Agile with us, to create new and better ways of working in a creative context.
Here’s the plan
- June 14/15: Learn about Scrum – you’ll become a Certified Scrum Master in this course in which we’ll take a special look at the needs of Creatives who are not doing software.
- June 25: Take it to the next level – Scrum and Agile work in software, but the work of creatives is different. How do you tackle the challenges of a creative environment? This is a one day workshop, not a course, and not a PowerPoint binge! We’ll identify the challenges together and come up with solutions together, so you can start improving your environment right away!
How to participate
- Contact me to ask about special pricing (or other questions)
- Register for the Weekend CSM Course with Creatives Workshop!
- Get ready for the Red Pill!