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You lost your job, now what?
15-06-2021Sara A. (name changed) started working with me while being supported by the regional unemployment office (“RAV” as it’s known here in Switzerland) in her efforts to find a new job. First, she took Scrum training (because Scrum knowledge is in high demand) and then Personal Agility training and coaching. Both proved instrumental in her job search. Scrum, because companies ask for it, and Personal Agility because it enabled her to get energized and focused, which made her a more desirable candidate.

Sara is the first documented case of what I expect will be a rapidly growing number of job-related success stories driven by the Personal Agility System. Personal Agility Recognized Practitioners (“PARPs”) know what really matters, are very well organized at achieving it, and know how to communicate with stakeholders and future employers to create alignment. They know how to apply agility beyond software because they are already doing it. These are the perfect ingredients to find a new job, quickly and effectively!
I spoke with Sara to understand her story and what her success factors were.
Sara A. previously held a senior HR Leadership position in the financial services sector while working primarily outside of Switzerland. After she left her job to settle in Switzerland, she struggled to secure a suitable position as she did not have the much-needed professional local network. “Personally, I was stuck and lost. I had not had any success applying for traditional HR jobs and the fact that I wanted to get involved in more forward-thinking approaches made my search even more challenging.”
Desired Outcome
What were you trying to achieve?
“I wanted to find a good job where I felt that my skills and competencies were fully utilized and appreciated, and where I could make a difference. I could do and was interested in many things, but I lacked the focus. At some point I realized that I needed to define a clear target. In order to do this successfully, I first needed to bring order into my life. I also discovered along the way that I wanted to get more into coaching and helping people and move away from the traditional HR scope. This is something that emerged over time, but actually, it is something I’ve always wanted to do.”
What was making this difficult?
“There is huge competition for jobs. I know what I am good at and where I could excel, but it was hard to make it clear, why someone should want to hire me. Focus was a big challenge. There are so many things I could do, but I wasn’t clear in my own head what I wanted to focus on. So my search was not focused.”
“The competition, my lack of network, and my family situation, everything made it very difficult for me to focus and position myself. Without focus you don’t get past the competition. Companies often expect a lot of experience. You need to do more than convey that you are a good person for job – you need to stand out!”
Path to Success
“During my time as a RAV-Client, I was able to use the Personal Agility System (PAS) to find purpose and organize myself, and thereby increase the efficiency of my job search.”
Sara A. trained in the Personal Agility System and started applying it right away. The program includes four weeks of follow-up coaching to help you apply Personal Agility effectively and to get value from it.
“Utilizing PAS was not just about the job search. Using PAS led me to make key decisions and turn things around in my life. I cleaned up my ‘construction sites.’ This changed how I put myself out there. The clarity on where I want to be made it possible to get there. I could focus on my capabilities and values. I found my destination”
“By bringing more order and clarity into my life, I could find energy and focus. Everything comes back to ‘What Really Matters’. This is when things started falling into place also with my job search! What really matters to me is my life, followed by time and headspace to do things that matter. This gives me time both for my kids and my work, and helps me ensure that all of life’s essentials get the attention they need.”
Key success factors
What helped you achieve your goal?
“Working on myself was really important. I learned about Scrum and Agile Leadership. I finished my dissertation, though my post-graduate work did not help me find a job as much as I thought it would. I was open to coaching, but some of the coaching I received (from other sources) was unhelpful or even counter-productive. I needed to work on myself before working on my C.V.”
“My Agile and Scrum training was really helpful to round up my profile and get me into a company that shares the same values and practices. I could not only talk about Agility but really apply it, which was a huge advantage!”
“I think the most important message of Personal Agility is to be kind to yourself. Most of my life has been about doing things for others. Focusing on what matters to me gave me a new perspective and new energy, which made me a more attractive candidate.”
Actual Result
What did you achieve?
“I found a job in a forward-thinking environment. The RAV stopped supporting me and I had a job that exceeded my expectations! Thanks to the skills I learned in the PAS training, I was able to regain my confidence and thus make a strong impression on my future employer. My Personal Agility training helped me get back into the workforce quickly!”
“Before finding a job, I gained clarity and direction. Yes, I found a good job, but more importantly, I found purpose. I realized what I wanted to be doing and could focus on that.”
What do you think would help other RAV-Clients?
“As Head of Human Resources, I have seen many job candidates and many performance reviews. So many people are challenged by procrastination, time management, or to be more productive. Having this under control will give you a huge advantage. Prioritize your actions based on what really matters. Apply common sense. And clean up the messes in your life. That’s how you can reach your goals!”
Sara is now an engineering manager at a Swiss high-tech company, responsible for over 25 people. Could you be the next Sara? If you are unemployed and want to change that, we can help! Is your organization planning to lay people off yet want to see amazing results from your social plan? We can help. Reach out to me to discuss!