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20-08-2023The primary vehicle of managerial work is conversation. Too many meetings are ineffective. A few people dominate. Many people are checked out. Results are sub-optimal. Here are ten facilitation techniques to get more engagement and better results from your meetings.

- 👉 Working Agreements – Simple agreements with each other to be more effective
- 👉 Thumb Voting – Make decisions with commitment.
- 👉 Stand-up – Recognize issues and who needs to talk to each other.
- 👉 Talking Stick – Ensure that all the voices get heard.
- 👉 Come unprepared – Admit it, we all have too much to do.
- 👉 Time-boxing – Because time is your most precious currency. You only get to spend it once.
- 👉 Prioritized Backlog – Identify the most valuable topics and handle them first.
- 👉 Information Radiator – Enable independent yet aligned decision-making.
- 👉 Brain-writing – Create many ideas, then pick the best. The high-output alternative to brainstorming.
- 👉 Pair & Share – Discuss a problem in pairs or trios, then each group presents results to the whole meeting.
- 👉 Five-Minute Picture – Take a few minutes to draw a picture about the topic at hand.
Oops! That was 11 approaches, and I could have done more. Check out the presentation for details on how each of these works.
Ten-Tools-for-Better-Meetings-RC1P.S. if you want help with better or fewer meetings, let’s have a chat!