Eight Common Obstacles to Achieving Your Goals
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23-05-2023A What-Really-Matters Infographic
👉 Working Like Crazy: Every day is full. Every day you come home tired.
👉 Too Many Meetings: Tasks require coordination. Meetings consume capacity.
👉 Behind the Curve: Things feel out of control. You get things done just in time, mostly.
👉 Missed Deadlines: Forgetfulness. Not enough time to do things well. Weak outcomes.
👉 Overtime: Days are for meetings and emails. Nights for real work.
👉 Stress & Burnout: Overtime takes its toll. You question what you are doing.
👉 Changing Priorities: When priorities change faster than you get things done, it is difficult to get anything done.
👉 Slow Progress: Hard to focus. Dividing your time slows you down.
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